FAQ Questions
- PAYE and Lump Sum Calculations
- Purchasing Annual Leave
- What is a Discretionary Payment and why are they so controversial?
- Termination Pay - How is it calculated, why can it sometimes be negative?
- Entitled, Accrued and Advanced leave – what is the difference?
- Are Casual Employees Entitled to Public Holiday payments?
- How is the 60% Protected Earnings calculated for Child Support Deductions
- When can you pay Casual Holiday Pay
- What is Family Leave?
- Defining 'Salary' and how is it calculated
- Payroll Quiz - How many can you answer?
- What is a Casual Employee?
- Linking to your Xero
- Do we need to pay Public Holidays if someone is on ACC or Parental Leave?
- Are Casual Employees Entitled to Sick Leave?
- My Part Time Employee only works 2 days a week, what is their Sick Entitlement?
- Linking to IRD - Payroll Intermediary
- Why do I get a Tax Bill from the IRD?
- Can I electronically sign an Employment Contract?
- Staff Extension Numbers