Standard Payroll Reports

Every client will receive the following reports by default. Yours may differ in that you may have asked one to be removed, in a different format, or additional reports added. We have a huge range of reports available so never be 'backward in coming forward' and asking for a report. There is no additional cost to request a Standard Report (those available within our Library.

All reports by default are sent as a password-protected pdf, but you can request them as a password-protected Excel report. They can be sorted by Surname, Employee Code, WorkArea/Surname etc. By default, all are sorted by Surname except Costing Reports.

The reports are run in two sequences:

  1. Approval Reports - The ones you will use to review the payroll and 'Approve' the running of the;
  2. Confirmed Reports - The ones you will get after you approve the payroll is correct.

Approval Reports

Pay Advice Detail Report - this is the one report you should check very carefully.

The best way to review this report is employee by employee from left to right. Compare this week's Gross and Nett payments to the prior one. If there are large differences then review the Pay Variance Report.

Things to pay particular attention to:

  • Under the Earnings Column, the Salary and/or Waged Hours are correct
  • Under the Allowance Column, all allowances are correct
  • Under the Deductions Column, all deductions are correct
  • Under the Payment Column, the payment method is correct
  • Under the Add-Ons header – the Days Paid are correct (this can affect Leave Accruals and Values on Payment).

On the Header Row you will find the employee's

  • Gross Annual Salary (can be turned off)
  • Previous Gross (great for checking against the Current Pay, can be turned off)
  • IRD Number (can be turned off)
  • Previous Nett (can be turned off)

On the Footer of the report there will be a section for:

  • Employees not getting Paid, you will see Casuals here if not getting paid, but no Permanent Employees should be showing here (can be turned off)
  • Employees receiving their First Pay, new starters (can be turned off)
  • Employees Fixed Term Ending, the end dates of any fixed term contracts (can be turned off)

THE PAY ADVICE DETAIL REPORT IS THE ONLY REPORT WE NEED APPROVAL FOR EACH PAY, you do not need to approve each report, even though the e-mail message asks you to.

Pay Variance Report - refer to this report if there is a significant difference between the Current Pay figures and the Previous Pay figures (shown on the header row).

This report compares the Current Pay with the Previous Pay, item by item. Very useful to see why there are differences between pays.

Other Approval Reports Available, all available on request.

Pay Advice Summary Customised report set to the transactions you specifically wish to see and in a set order. Normally comes as an Excel sheet and can be used to mirror a Timesheet file.
Previous Earnings Report Shows totals for the previous five pay periods.
Costing Report If you need to check everything is costed correctly prior to Approval

Confirmed Reports

Once you respond that the Pay Advice Detail report is Approved, we will run the following reports for you. These would generally just get saved for future reference, except the Direct Credit file if you are paying staff directly.

Payslips Only if not using the Ezytime Portal as otherwise payslips (Pay Advices) are available there. For waged staff, you can request a format showing hours by day.
Leave Balances A report showing leave balances and values for everyone
Scrutiny Report A report showing critical items within your workforce, Items are listed below.
Direct Credit Report (and dc file) A report showing all payments to be made and a file to upload to your bank if we are not doing it, see related article below.
Costing Report - If applicable A report showing your costs by Work Area
General Ledger report (and file) - if applicable If General Ledger Reporting is setup, this report shows all your splits by GL Code. Also included will be a GL Audit File and a GL Import File
Leave Movement - by request A report showing the individual leave accruals and leave taken by employees

As mentioned previously, we have a huge Library if reports that we are not going to list. If there is anything you would like reported on from your payroll information, don't hesitate to ask.

Scrutiny Report Items

  • Active Employees Never Been Paid
  • Active Employees Not Paid in the Last 120 Days (should they still be there?)
  • Employment Terminating
  • Casual who has a Consistent Daily Work Pattern (are they truly casual?)
  • Casual who has no current Sick Leave Balance, but may be entitled to it
  • Employee is Exempt from Tax
  • Employee is on a Zero Tax Rate
  • Kiwisaver Member - Under 18
  • Kiwisaver Member - Over 65
  • Duplicate Bank Accounts (two or more staff using the same bank account)
  • Duplicate IRD Numbers (two or more staff using the same IRD number)
  • Long Services Leave Due
  • Negative Leave Balance
  • Parental Leave Anniversary Reached (reminder to put them back on a normal Leave Set if returned to work)
  • Pay Rate is Under X value
  • Pay Rate is Over X value
  • Ordinary Hours are over 40 (weekly pay, but choose your own variable)
  • Gross Payment is Over (set your own variable)
  • Gross Payment differs by 25% from Previous Pay
  • Deductions Exceed 40% of Gross Pay
  • Paid while on Parental Leave
  • Paid after Termination Date
  • Daily Hours are under X value
  • Daily Hours are over X value
  • Worked at least X of the last Y Days
  • Worked X Consecutive Days
  • Ordinary Payment is Over X value
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