I received a Direct Credit file, what do I do now?

This article provides some instructions on the process to handle the receipt and processing of the Direct Credit File (the file you use to upload via Internet Banking in order to pay your staff and/or IRD).

Please Note, if you receive all your other reports and not a zip file it means your Anti Virus software does not allow password-protected zip files through its security. Please ask your IT Dept to grant access to all zip files from the @ezypay.co.nz domain.

When you receive your Bank file it will be contained within a password-protected zip file. We do this to ensure that the contents of the file are secure during transmission and to ensure consistency with our Security Policy that all attachments (pdf reports, spreadsheets, and text files) are password protected.

The zip format is very common and it is highly likely that your computer already has a zip utility installed. It could be Winzip, Pkzip, 7-Zip or a host of others. If you don’t have a zip program installed then 7-Zip is a free version that can be downloaded from www.7-zip.com

When you get the DC file it will be called: PayrollCode-Frequency-PaymentDate.zip, for example, the payroll code for Ezypay is Ezy and we pay Fortnightly so our file would be: EZY-F-15092011.ZIP

The process to unzip the file is as follows, but may differ slightly depending on what utility you use.

  1. Save the file to your computer
  2. Double-click to open it. You should then see a file contained within with the same name as the zip file but with a txt (or something else depending upon your Bank's requirements) extension.
  3. Highlight the file, then either click on Extract or Right-Mouse-Click and hopefully you will see an option to Save-As, if so, then just save the file in a folder that you can access with your Bank software. If there is no Save-As option, then Open the file (use Notepad) and then click File > Save-As and save the file.

You should be prompted to enter your password (it will be the same one you use to open reports) before saving or opening the file. Once you have completed the above you can then process the extracted file (the one with an extension of txt) through your Bank software as per normal but once processed we suggest you delete the unsecured txt file.

Please talk to your Bank Helpdesk about uploading a payroll batch file if this process is new to you.

You may also need to look at the access levels of any user of your Banking Software. Ensure you select the option (within Internet Banking) to show on Bank Statements as a total value.

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