Ezypay Authorised Contacts

Here at Ezypay, we run a structure of Designated Contacts. These are the people we are authorised to work with and, as a rule, they are the only ones we will take instruction from.

Primary Contact

The Primary Contact is the person we will have most dealings with on a day-by-day basis. Evey client must specify who their Primary Contact is and there is only one Active Primary structured for each client. They can request any information and have full access to all data. It is important when a Primary is being replaced that we are informed as soon as possible.

Secondary Contact(s)

The Secondary Contact(s) has a similar role and authority as the Primary but they are there as a backup if the Primary is not available. They have full access to all payroll information and we will take instructions from them. A company can have as many Secondary Contacts as they wish. We require at least one Secondary Contact for entity.

Other Contact(s)

These can be people who may provide us with information, for example, Timesheets, Standard Forms etc. They do not have the authority to view confidential payroll reports or request changes to existing employees. A company can have as many Secondary Contacts as they wish but we do ask these are kept to a minimum.

Accounts Contact(s)

These may be people in the Accounts Department who may need to update their General Ledger etc. Some may only receive Summary Information, others may receive a Full Audit File. The structure is set by the Primary Contact as to what they can and can't receive. They do not have the authority to give us instructions.


We will not interact with Employees directly and will always refer them back to the Company's Designated Contacts. That being said, every individual has a right to access their own information and we will ensure this is complied with as securely as possible.

Privacy Act

Principle 5 of the Privacy Act states that only people who have a need to see confidential information should have access to it. This is why we have these structures in place. It is important that if a Primary or Secondary is going to be away that they let us know in advance and/or delegate authority to another person, must be at least a Secondary Contact. Privacy Act

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